Ahlak yönünden mükemmel olan Hz. Osman islamiyeti ilk kabul edenlerdendir. Hz Ömer'den sonra halfelige o sürdürdü halifelige geçişinde kimse karşısında durmadı bilakis herkes uygun gördü peygamberimizin yakınında idi ve kuranı kerimi ilk o yazdı yani vahiy katipligi yaptı onun zamanında kuranı kerim sayafalardan kitap haline çevrilip toplandı ahlakı,konuşması ve insanlara hitabı çok hafızası çok kuvvetli oldugundan hafızlık mertebesine ulaştı. onun zanmanında kuranı kerim çogaltılarak bir örnegi medinede bırakılarak digerleri mekke, mısır, basra, şam, kufe ve diger illere gönderilmiştir; bu sayede kuranı kerim günümüze kadar korunup gelmiştir.
işin ehli kişileri uygun yerlere vazifelendirdi, imar ve zirai'ye önem verdi bag ve bahçeleri geliştirdi insanlar refaha kavuştu ve bi çok kişi müslümanlıgı döneminde kabul etti.
afrika iran ve kafkasyaya fetihler devam etmiş ve ilk donanma oluşturalarak kıbrıs adası fethedilmiştir.
bizansa karşı zafer kazanılıp bu topraklarda adalet saglanmıştır
Prophet and those with high moral virtues. Osman, Islam is one of the first to accept the superior party. Prophet. After the Caliph Umar was elected. Nobody objected to the Caliphate in the Muslim community was convinced that he was worthy of this task because, everyone swore allegiance to him. Before the Caliphate, the Prophet (saas) took place in the immediate vicinity. Revelation clerk did. Superior ethics, drew attention to the oratory. He also has a very beautiful oratory. Recitation was very strong and had memorized the Holy Quran.
Prophet. Osman is one of the largest reproduction of the Koran for his services to Islam. At the time, the Qur'an is replicated on a different reading of the Qur'an formed a committee because of differences in dialect. An example of Mecca left in Medina, Damascus, Kufa, Basra, was sent to Egypt and other states; thus it is conducive to the attainment of the original Qur'an until today.
During his studies the Prophet Osman, was careful to appoint the appropriate person. He attached importance to the development and improvement of agricultural development for the welfare of people living in Muslim lands. Bond and worked on the development of the garden. During his reign acknowledged the many people living in Muslim lands Islam. The remarkable progress of this period, more than in the past were Muslims and they live a life rich in prosperity.
Also it Hz. Osman period, Iran has continued conquests in the Caucasus and Africa and creating the first fleet, which is of strategic importance in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus has been taken. Great victories were won against the Byzantine Empire, was captured territory in order and justice facilities.
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