Hz Ali peygamberimizin amcası Ebu talibin ogludur peygamber efendimizin yanında büyümüş ve onun yanında egitim almıştır büyük bir ilim sahibi olan Hz.Ali müslümanlara ilim irfan ögrenmeleri için okul kurmuş egitime son derece önem vermiştir cesareti ve güzel konuşması ilede tanınan Hz. Ali'ye ilim beldesinin kapısıdır demiştir diger halifeler ilim konusunda ilk ona danışırlardı Hz.ALİ nin şehit edilmesiyle islamın en parlak dönemi olan 4-halife dönemi son bulmuştur.
Prophet. Ali, the Prophet (saas) was his uncle Abu Talib's son. As it mentioned in the historical sources, the Prophet. Muhammad (saas) has grown alongside has grown through his training.
Prophet. Ali highlights three important characteristics of courage, wisdom and eloquence. It is considered by everyone to be one of the best scholars in the Islamic society. Beloved Prophet (saas) expressed in Hz. Ali said "the door of Sciences resort" is. Since childhood Prophet (saas) was found near in the Koran have learned from him, he made his clerk. The Prophet (saas) is separated from his side until his death. Thus, science has reached a high level on religious matters. For this, the Prophet. Abu Bakr, the Prophet. Umar and. Usman was among the first to consult the people.
Caliph of the Muslims after being established schools to have information and knowledge. He attached great importance to education. Prophet. Ali, one of Islam's heyday ended with the martyrdom of the four caliphs period.
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