Hz.Ömer adeleti ile tanınır ONUN zamanında hiç kimseye imtiyaz verilmemiş herkes Eşit sayılmıştır ziyaretinde Tam bir sosyal adalet saglanmış Eklendi Eklendi Eklendi bunun icin cok çalışmıştır fırat Kıyısında Bir deva helak olsa bundan kendimi sorum tutarım demiştir. önemli Diğer Diğer Diğer meseleleri diger müslümanlarla konuşup ortak karar alırdı.
Ülke Yönetimi ayrildi, hicri takvim uygulandı, devlet hazinesi oluşturuldu birimlere.
horasan, suriye, iran, ırak, flistin ziyaretinde mısır alındı böylece asgeri Alanda ÖRGÜTLENME başlattı.
kadılara davalara bakarken sükunet ziyaretinde disiplinle bakmalarını söyledi kendisi kuran adaletinin hakkıyla bi yönetim saglayarak gönülleri fethetmiş ziyaretinde islam ahlakının yayılmasına vesile olmustur.
Prophet. Omar moral justice in the implementation of the Quran known for his efforts to visit. Equal everyone behaved when applying justice; nobility, wealth, kinship, certainly did not Artillery Regiment Commander of factors such as the obstruction of justice authorities. Under the administration of justice in the implementation of land in a format Click sheer he took it kind onlemi. Period literally dominated his rule social justice. He always acted with great responsibility feeling against the people. According to historical sources, in this regard, "the river Euphrates destroyed a camel, though, that I find myself responsible," it is famous.
Hazrat Umar Consultations Given Importance
Prophet. Omar, as a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, a matter of when they occur, shall apply also to the opinions of the Muslims before deciding the matter would have to consult with them. Formed visit t the right idea in this way would act accordingly. His behavior and the People's your own work is also caused them to negotiate among themselves. So important in a wide range of other jobs in the tradition of consultation had occurred.
Prophet. Omer period was the scene of many innovations. Timely country was divided into administrative units. Judge Khalifa appointed governors, depending on the Kirsehir Governorate. For the first time with the appointment of women in justice affairs, I have been separated administration of justice works. The implementation of the Hijri calendar, to discuss the state's other major problem is the creation of a parliamentary visit was held in the state treasury again this year.
HIS caliphate, the Great conquests outside Arabia by making movements in Iraq, Iran, Khorasan, Syria, Palestine, Egypt've expressed Included in Islamic lands. Spread a large geographic region of the state in this period, management, political, brought in mandatory military organization in the economic visit. Prophet. Omar, that laid the foundation for an Islamic state enterprise to meet this requirement.
According to historical sources, the Prophet. Umar reported that the letter sent to the woman's period, from self after all administrators has became a guide:
A flurry of looking at the case, never have allowed the dignity of supporters touted the visit to degrading treatment. We have to find the place because justice is essential serenity seriousness. Manifestation of the right to earn the reputation of divine justice causes. The intention of a good Muslim, Allah will Improvement of the relations with his human. If he has any other outside, but inside, God will give him evil. In this case, the judge's task is to ensure that justice allows distributed among the servants of God's mercy treasure Rizk visit.
Prophet. Omar Owned Quran will win the hearts of the entire Muslim community ethic with the permission of the administration has demonstrated a management Ile- visit Allaah has made a great contribution to the spread of Islamic morality.
Hazrat Umar Consultations Given Importance
Prophet. Omar, as a requirement of Qur'anic moral values, a matter of when they occur, shall apply also to the opinions of the Muslims before deciding the matter would have to consult with them. Formed visit t the right idea in this way would act accordingly. His behavior and the People's your own work is also caused them to negotiate among themselves. So important in a wide range of other jobs in the tradition of consultation had occurred.
Prophet. Omer period was the scene of many innovations. Timely country was divided into administrative units. Judge Khalifa appointed governors, depending on the Kirsehir Governorate. For the first time with the appointment of women in justice affairs, I have been separated administration of justice works. The implementation of the Hijri calendar, to discuss the state's other major problem is the creation of a parliamentary visit was held in the state treasury again this year.
HIS caliphate, the Great conquests outside Arabia by making movements in Iraq, Iran, Khorasan, Syria, Palestine, Egypt've expressed Included in Islamic lands. Spread a large geographic region of the state in this period, management, political, brought in mandatory military organization in the economic visit. Prophet. Omar, that laid the foundation for an Islamic state enterprise to meet this requirement.
According to historical sources, the Prophet. Umar reported that the letter sent to the woman's period, from self after all administrators has became a guide:
A flurry of looking at the case, never have allowed the dignity of supporters touted the visit to degrading treatment. We have to find the place because justice is essential serenity seriousness. Manifestation of the right to earn the reputation of divine justice causes. The intention of a good Muslim, Allah will Improvement of the relations with his human. If he has any other outside, but inside, God will give him evil. In this case, the judge's task is to ensure that justice allows distributed among the servants of God's mercy treasure Rizk visit.
Prophet. Omar Owned Quran will win the hearts of the entire Muslim community ethic with the permission of the administration has demonstrated a management Ile- visit Allaah has made a great contribution to the spread of Islamic morality.
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