Hz. Ebu Bekir peygamberimizin eski arkadaşıdır ve ilk müslümanlardandır daha islamiyet açıkça konuşulmadıgı zamanda kabul etmiş peygamberimizin yanında durmuş bir çok alimin islam dinini yaşamasına vesile olmuştur.
halifeligi 2yıl sürmesine ragmen çok iyi bir yöntici idi daima haklını yanındaydı, devlet otoritesini ve kuranı kerimi muhafaza etti ve korudu islamiyeti ilk ırak filistin suriyeye o yaydı. din ahlakına ters düşen ve yalancı peygamberlere karşı savaş açtı, güzel huy merhamet, mütavazi kişilik, kuran ahlakı vardı ve kibiri hoş karşlamaz
fakirlere zorda kalanlara hep yardım eder misafirleri çok severdi esir müslümanları kurtarır köleleri satın alıp azat ederdi zenginligini islam için harcamıştır peygamberimiz malını feda etmede en önde giden kişi ebu bekirdir,
ebu bekir ne güzel dosttur aramızda islam kardeşligi ve sevgisi vardır demiştir.
Beloved Prophet (PBUH) prophethood with the Prophet even before friends. Abu Bakr, one of the first people who are Muslim on his notification. Prophet. Abu Bakr, the Prophet of Islam, a time when being told explicitly (pbuh) had not yet accepted Islam in that period alone. Prophet. Muhammad (saas) was a close friend of the Prophet of Islam, which is a good representative. Abu Bakr, the Prophet among them. Uthman, Talha b. Ubayd Allah, Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas, Zubayr b. I Avva, Abdurrahman b. Awf and Abu Ubeyde b. Many people, especially surgeons have been instrumental in the survival of Islam.
Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh) is ill, the task of making the imam of the Muslim Prophet. Abu Bakr gave in. After his death, the Prophet. Omar and his friends on the recommendation of the Prophet. Abu Bakr was elected caliph. Located in the historical sources, the Prophet. Abu public address following his speech after assuming the duties Bakr's caliphate is quite significant:
O my people! I've been your manager. However, I am not your most auspicious. If I do good work, please help me. If I do wrong things and show me the right way. Accuracy is entrusted. Lying is infidelity. Your weakest is strong with me that I would defend his right. Your most powerful is weak on my side, someone else's right to it alırım.7
Prophet. Abu Bakr skills should be an ideal manager With these words summarize the most beautiful way. Caliphate period is filled with many such success despite the short duration of two years.
Prophet. Abu Bakr, the Prophet. Muhammad (saas), which began after the death of conflict between the Muslims were gathered together to restore the authority of the state. Quran collection and made great efforts to protect. Islam outside the Arab Peninsula for the first time in Syria, was instrumental in the spread in Palestine and Iraq. At the core of morality without religion and movement he declared war against false prophets; thus the morality of Islam and our Prophet Quran (pbuh) allows experienced as period.
Prophet. Abu Bakr beautiful temperament, compassion, unassuming personality and the diligence shown by the morality of the Qur'an among companions in life is one of its leading figures to the fore. A great affection by the people of these properties and respected. People welcome the arrogant behavior of the poor, has a structure that would be highly pleased to welcome guests and to help those who are in difficult situations. Prisoners have saved many Muslim slave owners are doing a significant amount of payments bring them freedom. Merchants and rich people Hz. Abu Bakr, has all the goods to give away for the spread of Islamic morality. For this, the Prophet (peace be upon him) about it, "the leading people in the sacrifice to the goods Abu Bakr is. Abu Bakr what is good friends. There are Islamic brotherhood and love among us" buyurmuştur.8
As a result, the Prophet. Abu Bakr, strong faith, and with the formidable genius statesman qualification Islamic Union has maintained a strong state and has left those who came after him.
Prophet, one of the elders of the tribe of Quraysh. Omar, was affected by the determination of Muslims despite all the pressure without compromising their beliefs and accepted Islam. According to a rumor it was first openly proclaimed that he chose Islam. Abdullah Ibn Masud says, "Umar formed a Muslim conquest" .9 Since then, our Prophet (saas) took the side of his strong personality and determination was a leading proponent of Islamic morality. Opportunities to have spent for the spread of Islam. Prophet. Upon the death of the caliph Abu Bakr was elected and after the fair itself was a good example of management to executives.
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